Looking for a certain romance author?

What You will find in The Authors section of We Really Dig Romance Novels

Authors of Romance Novels - Listing from A to E,
From Lani Aames to Jean Ross Ewing and lots of names in between.

Books to seperate section of page Books to seperate section of page Books to seperate section of page

Starting with the last name what Romance Author do you want to look for today?
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Author websites are constantly changing, if you find a broken link, an out of date address, have more names, web pages, and/or mailing addresses for romance authors, please contact us about it.

This is the last new update for this page. Each letter now gets its own page, click on a letter above (or in the menu on the right) for the new and updated links to the author you want.

Clicking on a name will take you to the Author's website.
Click on the "Books" link will take you to the books we have for that author.









