Rain Dance

Rain Dance by Rebecca Daniels

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Rebecca Daniels

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by Rebecca Daniels
Silhouette Intimate Moments
ISBN #0-373-27131-X
$4.50 U.S. / $5.25 Can.

A Woman with no name...

Sheriff Joe Mountain found the mysterious young woman wandering in a thunderstorm, unable to remember even her name. So Joe called her "Rain" and set out to find out who she was. Although his Native American soul was stirred by the blond beauty, he was determined not to lose his already bruised and battered heart.

Joe was Rain's best hope at putting her life back together. This darkly handsome stranger made her feel safe and warm... and he was rapidly becoming the most important thing to her. She was Rain now, but once her memories returned, she would be someone else. Could Joe love the woman she really was?

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