She's My Mom

She's My Mom by Rebecca Winters

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by Rebecca Winters
Harlequin Super Romance
ISBN #0-373-71065-8
$4.99 U.S. / $5.99 Can.

She can't remember her husband - or her son

"You're my mom!" That's what thirteen-year-old Brett Corbitt blurts out when he sees the woman who calls herself Martha Walters. His mother, Susan Corbitt, is presumed dead, although her body was never found, and Brett's convinced that Martha and Susan are the same person.

His father, Detective Grady Corbitt of the Las Vegas Police, is skeptical - until he meets Martha face-to-face. Then he, too, believes it.

Grady knows that someone tried to murder Susan. She survived, but her memory didn't - so she can't provide any clues about the identity of her would-be murderer. Grady's certain that she's in danger; he persuades her to come home with him and Brett, where she'll remain hidden until the killer is caught.

Susan soon finds herself falling in love with the handsome detective for the second time - even if she can't remember the first!

I have added this book to my keepers shelf, it is an extraordinary story.


    "Brett," the detective said, "meet Martha Walters. Is she the woman you've been trying to find?"
    "Yes, she's the one." This boy had been searching for her? Not until now had anyone from her past come forward.
    "Have you been looking for a long time?"
    "Since August twentieth of last year."
    Martha had been dropped off at the women's shelter on August twenty-seventh - just one week later. Like a newborn babe, she'd arrived with no memories.
    "How well do we know each other?" she asked the boy.
    He eyed her solemnly. "You're my mom."

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