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by Samantha Gail
Writers Showcase Press
ISBN 0-595-23413-5
$15.95 US / $25.95 Can.
She is an elite for an interplanetary trading conglomerate. Part of a dwindling corps of beings possessing invaluable psychic abilities, they live in isolation, shuttles from one star system to the next in order to safeguard the interests of the organization. She has never known any other way of life.
He is one of his planet's toughest soldiers. Preternaturally suspicious, possessed of his own powerful and unique talents, he has inadvertently witnessed something not meant to be seen. Now, in the midst of world-class combat, a new quest has begun. A battle of trust and love having far-reaching consequences greater than either of them can imagine.
Admittedly We Really Dig Romance Novels does not read many Futuristic/Fantasy type romance books. In this case We are glad this book was recommended.
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