A Dance Through Time

A Dance Through Time by Lynn Kurland

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Lynn Kurland

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Scotland (TT)

by Lynn Kurland
ISBN 0-515-11927-X
$6.50 U.S. / $8.99 Can.

Scotland, 1311. James Macleod was the most respected and feared-laird in all of Scotland. He loved his men like brothers and his land with a passion. And he allowed no women to cross the threshold of his keep...

New York City, 1996. With an indifferent fianc?and a stalled writing career, Elizabeth Smith found passion and adventure only in the unpublished romance novels that she wrote. Until a Scottish hero began calling to her...

Elizabeth longed for the man of her dreams. But she knew she was overworked when she began hearing his voice - when she was awake. To clear her mind, she took a walk in Gramercy Park. She dozed off on a bench - and woke up in a lush forest in fourteenth-century Scotland. A forest surrounding the castle of James Macleod, an arrogant and handsome lord with a very familiar voice. Elizabeth would turn his ordered world upside-down and go where no woman had ever gone before: straight into his heart...

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