The Highlander's Touch

The Highlander's Touch by Karen Marie Moning

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Karen Marie Moning

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Scotland (TT)

by Karen Marie Moning
ISBN 0-440-23652-5
$5.99 U.S. / $8.99 Can.


He was a mighty Scottish warrior who lived in a world bound by ancient laws and timeless magic. But no immortal powers could prepare the laird of Castle Brodie for the lovely accursed lass who stood before him. A terrible trick of fate had sent her 700 years back in time and into his private chamber to tempt him with her beauty - and seduce him with a desire he could never fulfill. For this woman he burned to posses was also the woman he had foresworn to destroy.


When Lisa felt the earth move under her feet, the fiercely independent 21st-century woman never dreamed she was falling . . . into another century. But the powerful, naked warrior who stood glaring down at her was only too real . . . and too dangerously arousing. Irresistibly handsome he might be, but Lisa had no intention of remaining in this savage land torn by treachery and war. How could she know that her seductive captor had other plans for her . . . plans that would save her from a tragic fate? Or that this man who had long ago forsaken love would defy time itself to claim her for his own . . .


    She opened the door and began to step in, when he suddenly spun her around in his arms.
    Without a word, he brutally closed his mouth over hers.
    Too shocked to resist, Lisa stood motionless, her lips parting at the insistence of his tongue. He was angry, she could feel it in the bruising crush of his lips, and it fed her own anger.
    Then is occurred to her that kissing was quite a useful and fascinating way to express anger, so she worked diligently at putting every bit of her irritation and displeasure into her response. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back so uninhibitedly that he stiffened abruptly, stepped back, and gazed at her with a startled expression.
    Briefly, he looked pleased, then his eyes narrowed swiftly. "I doona like you, and I will not tolerate you complicating my life."
    "Dito," she clipped through swollen lips.
    "Then we understand each other," he said
    "Mm-hmm," she said. "Perfectly."
    They stared at each other.
    "Doona forget who's in control in this castle, lass," he snarled before stalking off down the hallway.
    If that was how he asserted his control, she might just have to challenge his authority more often.

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